Sunday, 14 April 2013

Where to begin...?

Pinterest has provided inspiration for new cooking and craft activities that I'd like to try.  Other people pin photos that take their breath away, recipes that they want to try, home made products that can be made for a fraction of shop bought products.  I joined those who gained inspiration from others' pins and gathered my own inspirational pins.  What I wondered was:  How many pins actually inspire people to actually recreate the fashion look, make it, or try the recipe themself or do they simply pin it and forget it?

So, my commitment is that I'm going to make one item that I've pinned on my boards every week during school term.  This term is 11 weeks long!  OK last time I went to school, that's 11 activities at one a week.  I can do that.

In Week 1, I will create a necklace and then over the next few weeks a small quilt, bath bombs, hand cream and of course, everyone's favourite - a dessert!  I'll test out whether or not the pin was as easy to complete as it looked.  Not everything is craft as not every pin is a crafty pin.  If I pinned it, then I thought it was worthy of at least an attempt to make it, do it, or go there.  Not everything is guaranteed to succeed but I'm ready to have a go.

I would like to hear what you think and what inspires you.

“This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook- try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!” 
 Julia Child, My Life in France


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